
Morrison Digital Media | Brisbane

Get 1:1 Website Support

Get customised WordPress support to help you with any issues on your website

We all hit stumbling blocks with our website sometimes…

Website Support 1:1 Session
Maybe you need...
Book Your 1:1 Session Today

We will be tackling your greatest fears, your biggest frustrations, and your major blocks around managing and up-levelling your website.

Hold onto your hat, you’re in for quite a treat.

This is about more than just your website – it’s about rising above the noise and making sure your voice is heard by those who need to hear it most.

Mini Boost

$150 + GST/30 min
  • Get through those niggly tasks which you have been putting off and getting you down!
  • Ideal for those wanting minor tweaks and rejigging / small additions which are driving our crazy / brainstorming your next steps / general training

Productivity Galore

$550 + GST/3 Power Hours
  • This is ideal for major revamps / if you're working on a longer term project / would like extensive training in certain areas of your website.
Why would you work with me?
My step-by-step, proven process has worked for hundreds of other entrepreneurs just like you, and I am there with encouragement, support and guidance by the bucket-load. I keep things SIMPLE with no overwhelming tech talk or jargon and I give you advice on what works and what doesn’t, so you transform your expertise into income. You will discover and share your true messaging and why you’re brilliant. You’ll also save oodles of time, save a lot of money and save your sanity too!