What does your About page say about you?
Your new site is live. Your design looks fabulous! You are ready to take on the world or at least the Internet.
Now what?
Maybe you have already written your about page…or maybe it’s still on your to-do list. If you have been online for a while and you have had your about page written for a long time take a fresh look at it today.
Is your about page really showcasing you? Are you showing through? Does it tell your clients or readers why they should choose to work with you? Or why they should come back and read more?
If you are watching your site stats, you’ll probably notice that your about page ranks pretty high. That’s because people want to know about you or your business. Or both. If they are considering hiring you for services you offer then your about page is even more important, think a 1,000% more important. (OK, I tend to exaggerate.)
Share what makes you and your company (or blog) different. Tell ’em what you can do for them. Tell ’em what you love.
I don’t profess to be a writing expert but I’ve been around the blogging block a couple of times and I’ve learned a few things. During my first several years online I hid for years behind a safe, short about me page. I started out with a short 6 x 6 blurb: 6 words in 6 sentences:
Now I have a whole page, but it’s taken me a long time to get there. My page will continue to evolve and probably needs an update as I speak…or write. **adding that to my to-do list.
Here are some things I’ve learned along the way.
- Write as you speak (but with your best grammar and punctuation).
- Be authentic.
- Write as if you are talking to one person and tell them about yourself or your business.
- Your readers or clients want to learn about you before they hire you or buy your products and services. What questions do you think they would ask? Answer them on your about page.
- If you are writing an about page for your business, talk about why you started the business. What drives you and what do you hope to accomplish in your business. This is especially important if you are offering a service where you will interact directly with your client.
- Read about pages of people you admire. Don’t copy, but be inspired.
- Include a picture of yourself. People like to feel that they know you a bit, it builds trust. It doesn’t have to be professionally taken, but it shouldn’t be a selfie in the bathroom mirror if you want to be taken seriously. But hey, a lifestyle or even a fashion blog could totally work with a selfie in the mirror. This leads to my next point.
- Know your audience. Talk to them and meet them where they live or at least where they hang out on the Web.
- Include a few fun and interesting tidbits about yourself.

Your turn.
If it’s been a while since you’ve updated your about page take some time to freshen it up a bit.